Dear Miss Insecurity

My friend, Bernie, over at One Mixed Bag used a writing prompt from The Lightning and the Lightning Bug today and I think it is such a great idea that I am going to do it, too, and jump on in!! Thanks, Bernie, for the great letter you wrote—here is mine!  The instructions are to write a letter to yourself at age 16.  Here it goes!


Dear Miss Insecurity,

I just wanted to let you know that life is going to be so great for you!  Right now you are in a a funk.  You think that you have to have to have a boyfriend all of the time and that is just silly.  I mean really—look at the guy you are dating now!! Good grief.  Where on earth did you find HIM????   You can do so much better!

I know that you just got into the GlennTones and that you are really, really excited about that! Remember that you are just a very small part of that group but an important part, nonetheless, because it is up to YOU to know your part and do it right.   It is going to boost your self esteem to be a part of something where people accept YOU for who you are.

And while I am on the subject of self esteem—YOU are wonderfully made.  I know that you feel geeky now and really out of sorts with the rest of the world but once those braces come off, that front tooth gets fixed and your stringy hair gets some shape to it you are going to realize that you are a pretty great girl with a huge heart.

I just wanted to let you know that your life is going to be so wonderful a few years down the road.  I know it looks kind of bleak now at times but trust me on this one—things are going to be fabulous.  Here are a few hints of what is to come:

*You are going to actually get to go to a great college, graduate with honors and get a degree that even though you won’t actually ever work in that field for money you will use the skills you learned there all through your life.

*You are going to meet your Prince Charming and he will be far better than anything you could have dreamed of.  He is going to love you and CHERISH you and take care of you for many, many years.  He is going to be your MOSTEST and give you so much encouragement and support that all your insecurities are going to disappear.

*You are going to become a mom.  I am not going to say anymore about this but suffice it to say you are going to enjoy the most important job of your life.

*You know how you moved around a bit growing up since your dad was a minister?? Well, keep a hand on those suitcases and moving boxes, Trust me on this one–you are going to need to put that Snacker Packer 4H award to use here.   In the words of Dr. Seuss—Oh The Places You Will Go.

*Your family is going to continue to be important to you—I know you roll your eyes at your mom today but believe me—I know what I am talking about.  All of your family including the family of your Prince Charming will be a very important part of your life.

*You are going to discover that you have a big heart and a love of the older folks —not in a demented or weird sort of way but in a truly compassionate way.  Use that and do good –you are capable of so much more than you think you are.   God is there with you every step of the way.  Actually He is there before you.

*When you think it is impossible to get through something just remember that someone else has done something much harder than you have and made it to the other side of it.  You can do it.

So even though I am not telling you all that is going to happen down the road I am telling you enough to let you know that you are going to be just fine.  You are going to have some challenges and some obstacles. Things won’t always go according to your plan but then maybe your plan isn’t so great after all.   You are going to make some great friends along the way and keep them close even if you are not close in geography.   You are going to become a blogger.  I know you don’t have a clue right now what that is but again, trust me on this one….it is something that is going to make you feel so good about yourself and right now I think you need all of the encouragement that you can get.

Remember always to love yourself even though you feel unlovable.  It all works out .  It really does!!!  In fact–it turns out pretty incredible!



  1. “When you think it is impossible to get through something just remember that someone else has done something much harder than you have and made it to the other side of it. You can do it.” I loved this advice that you delivered to yourself. Just beautiful and entirely true. You wrote such a warm and supportive letter. I’ll bet 16 year old would have really appreciated this letter.

    • I wish I had had the smarts at 16 to have had that knowledge!! But then it is all part of the process, isn’t it???? Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!! I really appreciate it!!!! Have a great day!!!

  2. Beth, I love this! Just enough of a glimpse to make me your adult friend want to know more!! What was your degree in.
    Very upbeat and just enough of a teaser. I’m so glad that you did the prompt!!

    • My degree was in Social Work!!! Not that I ever worked in it but that is okay!!! Thanks for doing that prompt–I have looked at some of them before and just never saw any that inspired me but this one was easy!!! And I had some time this morning before church so it worked!!!!

  3. Isn’t it funny how so many of us were so insecure growing up only to eventually find out how wonderful we really are? So glad you found your place and your happiness. My favorite line(s) from this piece:

    You know how you moved around a bit growing up since your dad was a minister?? Well, keep a hand on those suitcases and moving boxes, Trust me on this one–you are going to need to put that Snacker Packer 4H award to use here. In the words of Dr. Seuss—Oh The Places You Will Go.

    Such a lovely promise to your 16-year old self 🙂 It just made me sigh and smile.

    Thank you so much for linking up with us over at The Lightning and the Lightning Bug! We hope you’ll join us again soon 🙂

  4. I loved your letter…recognizing all you were. and all you were to become. You sound like one happy lady…may God continue to bless!

  5. Oh I loved this letter. If you were sixteen and read this I think you would feel so insprired to live an amazing life to know what was ahead!!

  6. Helen Brown says:

    I knew you had some insecure times but I did not realize it was that bad. I do agree on the boyfriend if you are meaning the one I am thinking you were writing about. I wondered myself, why him? I am glad you finally found THE one and are very happy.

  7. Wow, I so super loved this letter! Really makes me wish I had spent a little more time on mine 😉 “He is going to be your MOSTEST…”- love that line. Beautiful!

    • Thanks so much!!!! The MOSTEST line is what we say to each other —you know that back and forth “I love you” and then we end with the MOSTEST. 🙂

  8. This is great, Beth Ann. This should be an open letter to all who are 16!

  9. I can tell you had fun with this prompt. What an interesting and inspiring letter! It reminds me of God works in each of our lives, step by step with a promise of a good future.

    • Yep—you are so right! Took me awhile to figure out that I was made just the way I was for a reason and to finally like myself. My hubby had a great deal to do with that realization!

  10. Love this!! This is a neat idea and good practice for us to look back and see what we had accomplished in life and be grateful for it. Thank you Beth Ann!!

  11. What a wonderful letter to your 16 year old self! And didn’t we all need that when we were 16?

    It is a pretty good device for counting our blessings since those insecure days.

    • I could have used this when I was 16, how about you?? It is amazing to me how I could have been insecure when I grew up in such a great environment!!! Took me awhile to get to figure it all out but I think I have more of a grip on things than I did so many years ago~~~ thanks for the sweet comments!


  1. […] fun with their challenge a couple weeks ago to write a letter to my 16 year old self that I wrote Dear Miss Insecurity.  Today’s is a little different but I will give it a […]

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