Daily Prompt—Proud Momma

The daily prompt at The Daily Post at WordPress recently had the following as a prompt:

Tell someone you’re proud of just how proud you are.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SUCCESS.

I had to join in on this one and brag a bit about one person in my life of whom I am very proud.micah1

When two young people decide to start a family there is no preparation for the love that comes into their life.  Oh people can tell them time and time again how wonderful being a parent is and can site example after example but until it is experienced there is really no way to conceptualize the amount of love that suddenly fills every nook and cranny of life.  Such is the case with my husband and myself.

When our oldest was born we had the same naive approach to life as many did—-we read the books and tried to provide the best environment for Micah.  He was not always a good sleeper when he was little and the slightest movement of transferring him to his crib led to many nights just rocking with him.  That was fine.  It really was.  Time flies by.micahleaves

It was only yesterday we were driving to the wilds of North Carolina to watch yet another soccer game, another football game or another track meet. Those were the worst and quite honestly—I must confess I did not make it to all of those because frankly—they are kind of long and boring.  But we were always supportive and tried to be there as often as we could. micahjunior

When Micah got into his beloved University of North Carolina we were so proud and thrilled for him.  He had always wanted to go there–even before we actually lived in the state—so our pride swelled when he was able to be accepted into one of the hardest schools in the state to get into.  One of the things that stands out vividly in my mind is how Micah stepped up and worked practically a full time job during our “lean years” as we like to call them to help with his way.  Not every kid sees that his parents are struggling and responds .  Micah did.  That made me proud.

After graduation he went to work for Johnson and Johnson in their vision care department –Vistakon.   He worked his way through the five years and from all indications he was well liked and very successful.   He was a valuable asset to the OD Lean team the last part of his time with J & J and we once again were beyond proud of him.

This week Micah is going to start another big adventure.  He got accepted into Columbia Business School and will be studying there for the next 2 years as he gets his MBA in their Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Management program.  Another goal set—another goal will be reached.  His life will change and many sacrifices have already been made so that he can take this next step.  This week he moves to the Big Apple.

Blame it on my age, my eggs dying or my super-sensitve self but whatever it is when I think about that little toddler  who came back from a walk on the beach saying “BIg Fish” or who came back from swimming lessons at the Y saying ” Mommy, I almost drained!” I get a little misty eyed.  Oh what the heck—the tears are flowing so it is way more than misty eyed.  I  (and my husband)  am so doggone proud of this guy. He has worked hard to get where he is.  It does not always come easily to accomplish goals and dreams in life.   There is a lot of sacrifice and things that others never have a clue about that go on.  In the end it is almost always worth it.

So today there is no other person to salute than my sweet son whom I love with every fiber of my being.  For who he is and who he is becoming this momma is beyond proud.  Good luck, Micah, on the next adventure.  There are no words that can tell you the depth of our love for you and how proud we are –no words.   We love you.  Mom and Dad

micah zeus


  1. Oh, Beth Ann, way to go and make me cry at 7 a.m. already. I loved this post for its depth of emotion, its honesty, its magnificent revelation of a mother’s love, its celebration of goals reached.

    Congratulations to your precious Micah. To have gotten into this program at Columbia had to be a major achievement. I expect he will enjoy every moment in NYC, every moment learning, every moment facing new challenges.

    You are rightly proud of your son. He has accomplished so much, with more yet to come.

  2. Virginia says:

    I remember when you told us that you were pregnant. I remember when that sweet little baby boy was born. I remember taking our babies, Micah, Michael and Mitchell on walks in the early morning in Orlando. I remember a lot of those early milestones as you, Chris and Micah grew into a beautiful sweet family. Those first born boys (and all the children that follow) are such blessings in our life.
    So proud of all that Micah has accomplished so far in his life! Hugging you dear friend!
    I love you!

    • Thanks, Virginia!!! That means the world to me. I just get all weepy, you know?? I KNOW you know. How well I remember those walks myself and having the 3 M’s together playing. 🙂 Love and hugs to you.

  3. Beth Ann, you do so well describing those feelings of pride that well up in us for our children. There is nothing like it. Love you.

  4. Those times when you look at them and wonder how you could possible love someone so much, the bonus is when you like them and are proud of them. Good job Micah. Wonderful opportunities, that no doubt you will make the most of. Good job Beth Ann, and Mr. Beth Ann.

  5. You have every right to be proud! This young man is a result of good parenting, a home filled with love and encouragement, and inherent work ethics. The world needs people like him. Congratulations to Micah and his Mom and Dad!!

  6. Sounds to be like Micah is lucky to have such awesome parents!

  7. Sweet post. Congratulations, Micah!

  8. You can be very proud of Micah and also for Aaron. Both boys have taken their jobs seriously and have done well and enjoy what they are doing. I am proud of them also.

  9. Woohoo Michah! And a wonderful tribute by a proud momma.

  10. So, was it your plan to make me weepy? Well, it worked! I remember the feeling – looking down on this little person you created & realizing you never had any idea how all-encompassing love could be till you gazed upon their face. Micah sounds like a wonderful son & wish him good luck for me in his studies!

  11. A nice tribute. We have a photo of our son’s face in a pile of leaves just like your first one.
    Motherhood is a mixed blessing. It’s a constant letting-go. But I would absolutely do it all again.

    • Do you really? That is my fav young picture of Micah and the one of Aaron as a scarecrow for library story hour was taken about the same time. I still have copies hanging in the house even though they are 25 and 28. 🙂

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