Wordless Wednesday



  1. Itchy!

  2. oh my… those poor boys (then and now)

  3. Goodness, they must have been miserable 😦

  4. Chicken pox party! LOL

  5. So…, I am not the only one who had a baby with chicken pox. Caleb was just a few months old when his sisters brought the pox home from school. I would not even have thought to take photos. Bet these images are family favorites, huh?

  6. Oh poor things. my kids have not had chicken pox – I guess we are vaccinated against it pretty well now. thankfully….the nearly drive me from the house with just a cold; cannot imagine the decibels their whining would hit with this itchy mess! (not that I could really blame them)

  7. Itchy and Scratchy!!!! No vaccine when these guys were little so you really did want them to just get it and get it over with when you could “plan” it. They really were not too bad but then that was many years ago and you know—my memory has faded with the years. Aaron was the worst because he did not have the coordination at 6 months to scratch but I guess that was a blessing in disguise.

  8. Oh, dear!!! And poor Mom!!!!

  9. But don’t they now have to be wary of shingles? I believe the chicken pox virus stays in your system forever. My brother had the shingles and it is extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant. Please tell them to research it.. Just for their own information. Or you will probably do it for them anyway. lol

    • Yep—if you had chicken pox you are susceptible to shingles and they are horrid. Now there is a vaccine for them—-of course I have never gotten the vaccine either….hmmmm…another thing to check into.

  10. Oh dear!

  11. Joanna graham says:

    Sarah and Lisa looked like that once upon a time except they were 4 and 5 yrs old. Brian got the vaccine so he didn’t get to experience all the itching and polka dots. Lol

  12. I think I have a picture that looks much like that one and it may be of Mark and you. I will have to look and see. Do you want me to find it so you can put it on as I remember both were covered? I will have to look it up when I have some free time.

  13. Oh, those poor little ones – chicken pox I assume? Even itchy, they still look so cute!

  14. Just looking at that picture makes me itch all over and long for a soak in an oatmeal bath! I’m so happy I didn’t have to deal with the chicken pox with my three.

  15. Oh geez those poor little guys!

  16. I got that chair before you went Down Under!! Drove with my dad 11 hours that day. Never turned on the radio. It was a good day.

  17. My #3 son got shingles at 18 after being exposed to Chicken Pox after he had them. While he had the shingles, my 3 yr old daughter caught chicken pox from his shingles. It was so strange. They both survived (they’re now 45 and 29). and so did I……..lol

  18. is that chicken pox?

  19. Oh, my, no words required! I had chicken pox when I was in the 5th grade. I was so ill. Not fun at any age…

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