Wordless Wednesday


  1. where do you find these things???

    • This one was actually in Canada—we were a little afraid of what we were going to find driving through here—it was very remote to put it mildly!

  2. Nice~

  3. LOL. I wonder if Jessie saw the sign? Isn’t that an interesting start to a story?

    • I hope so!!! It was kind of a sketchy place…..we were definitely off the beaten track and wondered what or who we would run into! 🙂

  4. Wow, I wonder if that gave Jessie a complex about her weight. “You load 68 tons and what you get? Another bridge over and deep in regret.” With apologies to the late Tennessee Ernie Ford..

  5. I hope Jessie could see her name better than I did. I had to go back to the picture twice before Isaw her (maybe it was he) before I saw the name on the sign. It is an unsual sign for sure.

    • Hopefully Jessie had good eyesight! It was pretty faint—-and hopefully Jessie took the next bridge and not this one like it stated!

  6. When you look, it’s interesting what signage is out there. Good eye.

  7. Wonder what that note meant!!! You really find the best things to share. Happy hump day!!! 🙂

  8. Oh oh, if this catches on, the signs will be littered with husband-directions (I know mine could use a few). Good one!

  9. I wish someone would look after me when I get behind the wheel. I never know where I’m going.

  10. How funny. DIdn’t know this was your birthday, Beth Ann. Blessings to you today, my friend.

  11. lol…hope Jessie saw the sign 😉

  12. I wonder how long the sign for Jessie has been there.

  13. There are some interesting hand made signs to be found, for sure!

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