When I Grow Up

Decided to jump into a blog prompt offered over at The Lightning and The Lightning-Bug today where the Dare to Share is to write about your dream job and what you hoped to become when you grew up.  I was feeling a little dry uninspired after my 1000th blog post yesterday so I thought I would hop on this bandwagon and see what I could come up with. Thanks to the ladies over there for this great prompt!!!  Got me thinking for sure!!! Enjoy!

When I was little my dream was to be a nurse.  Dressed all in white with that cute perky little hat sitting on top of my head–that was the picture I had in my mind.  I think my dream job originated from being in the hospital when I was very young with pneumonia.  I think it is probably my earliest memory.  I was around 2, according to my parents, and I was a pretty sick little girl.  I remember waking up in a crib, wearing my little hospital gown with baby chicks on it, crying because my daddy was not there.  A nice nurse came in and told me that he had to go home to sleep and be with the rest of the family but he would be back and I needed to go to sleep.  I remember the music playing was the theme to A Summer Place.   Whenever I hear that song it takes me back to that event in my very early life.

Just one problem with my dream job.  A very big problem when it all comes down to it.  I can’t stand the sight of blood.  To the point where I faint.  Seriously.  It is ridiculous.  One time I dropped the razor in the shower.  I stepped on the razor and cut my toe.  All I could see in my non-contacted-eyed state was a stream of red swirling down the drain.   I got out of the shower and laid on the floor.  The hubby who was still in bed came in because he heard some commotion in the bathroom.   I told him I cut myself.  He examined my toe.   He laughed at me.  Yes, he laughed at me!!!  Evidentially it was a microscopic cut that he could not even find .   He gave me a towel and left me lying on the floor.  Sympathetic, huh?  I recovered and have lived to write about it.  So obviously I learned early on that me + blood = disaster.  Fortunately even though I birthed two boys they were not into huge bloody incidents—a few broken bones along the way but I was spared the gushing blood events for the most part.  Good thing. They would have been on their own for that.

So what else does someone who has the dream of helping others pursue when choice one evaporates?? Social work, of course.  That is what I am trained for.  Is it what I have done?  Well, not for money.  I have never worked in an actual social work job.  I have volunteered in social work settings over the years but never actually pulled a paycheck in from any social work adventures.  I have done a lot of free social work over the years when it comes down to it.   It is just who I am.  That need to help others is ingrained in me.  It is part of my DNA.

My dream job quickly morphed from finding that dream paying job to being a stay at home mom.  Not everyone is cut out for it.  Not everyone can financially afford to do it.  Not everyone wants it.  But I did and I was blessed to be able to do it.  I loved being there for the boys 24/7.  I loved being the home that the other kids came to.  I love the relationship that I have with our boys.   It is strong and something to be proud of.  Would I have had it if I had worked fulltime when they were younger—maybe so—but maybe not.   I honestly think not.  I love being “mom” to some of their friends even now.  It is the best gig I could ever have wanted.

Other jobs came and went over the years—substitute teaching, helping out the hubby at the family business, secretary at a great church and the last adventure was being in charge of small groups and outreach projects which was the most fulfilling of my outside the home jobs.   I loved it.  The time was right for it and it stretched me and grew me into a more confident person.  But now the road I travel is one of no employment by choice and the opportunity to be available to family .  My social work continues in a different way as we face an uncertain future with the declining health of a loved one.   The perfect dream job???  For me it has evolved.  For each stage of my life it has been different.   Today I embrace it and accept what it is for the moment.  I am happy and content in my role .   As long as there is no blood involved.



  1. Loved this, Beth Ann!

    Don’t think that I would have been the one left lying on the bathroom floor after that razor incident…you are one patient woman!

    I think that most of us are in the place we’re supposed to be, for the most part. That doesn’t mean we should give up on exploring a dream…ever!

    Congrats on your 1000th Post!!! Terrific!

    • LOL
      I am far from patient but it was a pretty ridiculous thing to faint over a microscopic cut and it makes for a great story, doesn’t it???? I imagine my hubby will take heat over this one but he can handle it!!! All the times he has been there for me far outweigh this incident!!!
      Thanks for stopping by!!! Going to check out all the other ‘submissions’ on this prompt when i get a few free moments later!

  2. Becky Miracle says:

    All I can ever remember wanting to be was a Mom…and I too was fortunate enough to get to be the stay at home Mom. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Much later in life I got to experience some outside working time when the boys were on their own. I enjoyed that also, especially the friendships that have lasted as a result of those days. Now I am back at home and have the time to be available to my hubby for all those ups and downs and to be MeMe! That’s another GREAT job and one that you will also be great at someday. “There is a time and a season……”

    • We are birds of a feather!! I am anxiously awaiting grandparenthood but it looks like it will be awhile on that. I don’t even have a grand cat or grand dog yet tho both of the boys would like that at this point ! And you are right–there is a season for everything!

  3. I never wanted to be a nurse. I did used to want to be a typing-gym teacher when I grew up, but then by the time I grew up, computers were in and everything changed. All I wanted to teach was typing or gym. I really liked the idea of having summers off. Then I realized I wouldn’t be good at being a gym teacher because of the health and anatomy classes I’d have to take. Thus, I wound up getting a degree in secretarial administration and being a secretary. Woo hoo.

    • Hey being a secretary rocks!!! Admin folks control the world, in my humble opinion!!! They keep things running smoothly and make every one else look good!!! You know the best class I ever took in high school was typing—it served me well for the later life of computers!!!

  4. LOL I’m the same way with blood…only it’s just when my childrens’ blood is involved. I get SOO queasy. And I think being a SAHM is such a blessing, and a great calling. It’s where we, as moms, are needed (at least in my house). And doing what you’ve done, in combination with that, is something to be proud of.

    Thanks for the post!

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jennie!!! I think SAHM’s have a great job myself!!! It truly is the best thing that I have ever done. And I say that in all seriousness. It really was the best thing ever! Thanks for coming by and stop by anytime!! I am always blathering on about something!

  5. pattisj says:

    I’m amazed that you remember the song from that early age, Beth Ann. I don’t know that blood bothers me, but to this day, I don’t think I could stick a needle in another person. Our second grade teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, I think I was the only one who said I wanted to be a mom.

    • I know—I have very few memories of early on but that one is crystal clear!!! Probably because it was traumatic!!! I love what you told your second grade teacher!!! That is awesome!

  6. Reading this after my own post about being a stay at home mom, helped to solidify my stance that I am doing the right thing for me & my family. Just as you wrote, it was the place you were meant to be, and I feel like the same is true for me. this line was perfect “The time was right for it”. It’s all about timing!

    • Jackie–Thanks for stopping by! You ARE doing the right thing!!! It is a wonderful gift you are giving your family!!! Come back anytime!!!

  7. I love your post. It reminds me of my grandmother. She was a phlebotomist for 38 years. But if she saw me injured and bleeding she’d pass clean out. It sounds like you’ve held many rewarding positions even if you didn’t become a nurse. Thanks for sharing!

    • Now that is funny!!! A fainting phlebotomist!!! Oh my!!!! That is great!!! I have had lots of great jobs over the years and am blessed by all of them. You know how sometimes things are just a series of steps??? That is how I see my life—a series of steps to the next thing!!! Hope you have a great day!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. What an early memory! Sounds like you had nice nurses and I can totally see why you wanted to be one (well, a nurse who doesn’t have to see blood, haha).

  9. I have had many jobs in my life including social work ones that paid real money 🙂
    but more and more I am finding what satisfies me most is running things at home and raising the kids. How is that for not PC?!

    Enjoyed your post….also tried not to laugh AT you about the toe cut! I was amazed by the richness of detail in your early memory.

    • May–thanks for the great comment and stopping by!!! I love the not PC part of your comment—-you are doing great work!!! And you can laugh at the blood phobia—it is a bit ridiculous. I know it is!!! Keep all sharp objects away from me!!!

  10. Helen Brown says:

    Well, you know we have 4 generations of fainters. I don’t faint from blood, I faint when I have pain. I wanted to be a secretary but after helping with a class when a teacher got sick, I was sold on becoming a teacher.

  11. Interesting story. I always wonder at people who are afraid of blood. Can you watch movies with a lot of blood in it? let’s say war movies?

    My dream job when I was little was being a doctor, but God showed me that teaching is actually where I am good of. Been a teacher since 2001 and will always be a teacher my whole life. I love my job

    • I can watch movies with blood and guts—that does not bother me one bit. It is just weird. And as my mom says I come from 4 generations of fainters…..oh well. Guess it is in my genes, huh??? I am so glad that you found your niche as a teacher. I come from a family of preachers and teachers so I am always happy when I hear os someone who loves being a teacher!!! That is great!!!

  12. I think it’s 5 generations of fainters now…Christopher knows he’s on blood duty when Mini Muffin arrives- although I admit, I am doing WAY better than I used to…

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