Finally Friday

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I don’t know about you but this has seemed like an unusually long week and I am glad that Friday is here finally!  Time to join up with Hilary over at Feeling Beachie for her blog hop!!!  Don’t forget to hop over there and show her some love and link up !!!!

This week’s co-host is Wayne from Touristic – he came up with the last three statements!

Please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I _____ that is why______
2. All I ___________ for ______________ is ____________.
3. I _____________ therefore ____________.
4. McDonalds’ is _______________ and ______________.

My answers:

1. Sometimes I get writer’s block  that is why my blog posts are a little shallow.
2. All I want  for my children  is for them to be happy in life.
3. I am a bit of a control freak therefore I really have to be aware of how that plays out and not micro manage other folks..
4. McDonalds’ is a place I used to go when the boys were little  and have not missed going there for years and years.

Don’t forget about my giveaway that I posted about here.   Just leave a comment on that post and you are in the running for a wonderful gift basket filled with lots of my favorite things!!!  Just click on the link above and it will take you to a new screen with that post.  Join in the fun!


  1. Boy has it ever been a long week and I am soo glad the weekend is here. I started a new job last week organizing someone’s office and unfortunately getting no where due to lack of communication and no cooperation so now I’m wondering if it would be better to find work elsewhere, go somewhere I would be happy at and so on. Anyone here ever been in that predicament?

  2. It is nice that you acknowledge the need to let people do their thing.

  3. Hmmmm, shallow posts. Don’t agree with that one, Beth Ann. Yep, but I am kind of a control freak, too…

  4. Going to McDonald’s is still a treat for my kids we go so rarely. Kind of hard to imagine isn’t it? I can be a bit of a control freak when it comes to getting the house in order and cleaned!!! I’d rather to it all myself and then I complain that no one helps out. 🙂

    • Well you guys are still in the kid stage so it is understandable that McDonalds is a treat!!! And I agree–it is not that I am the neatest person but i like the way I do it!

  5. Control freak … naw, just needs renaming to CDO … that’s OCD properly alphabetized!!

  6. I like your posts just they way they are.

  7. #2, I concur. That is what I want for my boys as well.

  8. I have never felt you were a control freak. Maybe you have changed?

  9. I am a control freak too!

  10. I agree with your number two and number four! (FYI when I get writer’s block, I usually do a list!) Happy Weekend!

  11. I am a control freak too!

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