Friday Friday Friday!!!

It’s Friday so time to join up with Hilary at Feeling Beachie for her Follow Friday Fill In Blog Hop where she gives us statements and we fill in the blanks!! Join up and join the fun!

1. When I am __ I always ___

2. ___ is my __ of ___

3. The  ______ the ____

4. If only I _______ then ______ and everyone would be _______.

My answers:

1. When I am reading I always think I need a salty snack to munch.

2. Today is my favorite day  of the week!!! Probably because I know that the weekend is here and that usually means more time with my hubby and doing something fun.

3. The  cats rule the the house.  It is amazing how I have babied these cats and ever since Buddy got sick in January he pretty much runs my life.  Not a bad thing but pretty amazing to me how a cat can take over a house.  

4.  If only I could solve world hunger then I and everyone would be so much happier. Hey, I can dream, can’t I?  I couldn’t think of anything else for this one!

Happy Friday everyone!!!  Heading to Ohio for our last trip to work on the house there and get ready for the May estate auction!  Gonna be an emotional weekend with a lot of work ahead of us so good thoughts are much appreciated!  On the positive side—we will get to see Carlton and celebrate his birthday which will be wonderful!!!


  1. Good luck this weekend and happy birthday to Carlton. My dog and cat rule our house. I’m playing fetch while typing this and I just gave the cat some treats. It is almost time for his daily brushing.

    • Thank you!!! I made these awesome brownies that are going in my suitcase to share with him!!! I am sure he will love them! And yes—animals rule here for sure! Not a bad thing!

  2. Oh I do love a salty snack! Happy weekend : )

  3. I always munch when I read too! the snack varies though. sometimes it might actually be healthy – LOL. But I am also usually in the bath tub, because that’s the only place I can get away (and lock the door)…….so I have come to call it my “tub picnic.” LOL

  4. Wow, is it Friday already? Happy birthday wishes for Carlton! Seems a good thing you’ve taken your time in preparing for the sale. You’ve had time to consider what is left behind, and if anything came to mind that you might want to keep, after all. Blessings as you go forth this weekend to wrap it up.

    • Thanks Patti! We have had the luxury of taking our time which has been good. Now the house has sold and once the auction is done we will be able to close that chapter and move on. It has been a long road.

  5. Real World Mom says:

    Our pets are such an important part of our lives, I can see why Buddy’s illness would make such an impact on you and your family. I hope that he’s ok! Happy Friday! 🙂

    • Thanks Stacey! He has chylothorax and has made it 3 months so we are keeping our fingers crossed. He will never be 100% but as long as he has a decent quality of life we will keep on loving him! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Ever since I quit smoking three years ago I always need to munch on something, too when I read. Or have a lollipop or something.

  7. My cats completely rule my house too. The dog thinks she does, what she doesn’t know is that the cats probably think she’s a cat too since they’re all the same size!

  8. Helen Brown says:

    Happy Birthday to Carlton and so happy the house is sold and that Buddy is still doing pretty well.

  9. Friday is my favorite day of the week too! 🙂 I will be praying for you over the weekend and hoping you enjoy your time with Carlton!

  10. Sending good thoughts your way for the tasks ahead of you this weekend. Hope Carlton has a great birthday! Be safe & support each other!

  11. Oh, cats sure rule…. Alex sure is in charge of this house….

  12. McGuffyAnn says:

    I really enjoy reading you every day. Thanks. You’re awesome.

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