New York New York—You Inspire Me!

I know you know how much I loved our first trip to NYC last month!  We had the best time with our son, Micah, who is a grad student at Columbia Business School.   Yep–very proud mom.

We packed a lot into the weekend visit and got to see a lot of the tourist places, eat a lot of great food, and see a lot of cute little dogs! It was an amazing weekend and I am already counting down the months till our next trip.

On Saturday we met for breakfast at a local place called Barney Greengrass also known as The Sturgeon King!  Hence the posed, somewhat aloof picture of me outside the restaurant under the ever present scaffolding in the city. P1060459We spent some time hanging out waiting for Micah–some of my cronies are in the background.  I would have a lot of friends in the city.  Trust me.

P1060461Then it was on to take the ferry to go see The Statue of Liberty.  Nothing says tourist like a ferry full of people being hustled on and off by a rather forceful employee who told us to “step quickly” repeatedly.   It was a great visit and all of the photos are thanks to the hubby who took far better pictures that day.



P1060484Then it was off to see the Empire State Building.  We paid the extra bucks to skirt past the lines and have immediate access and it was money well spent.   We skipped right through and made our way without delay and saw the fabulous panoramic views.




I love the Flat Iron Building–don’t you?


Amazing city, amazing people, amazing stories.  I just wanted to soak it all in. And I did!!!

Don’t forget to stop back by tomorrow—December 1st –to see how our Comments for a Cause for November turned out as well as see who our next recipient will be!!! It’s been a great month!!!  NaBloPoMo has been a wonderful experience and I made it—a post every single day of November.  Hats off to all who did and for all who wrote every day as part of NaNoWriMo month!!!!  Good job!!!


  1. What beautiful photos of NYC! It looks like you had perfect weather too! What a blessing!

  2. Do you know, even though I have lived in NY all my life I have never gone to the statue of liberty?

  3. I’ve only been to NYC a couple of times, but you got way more beautiful photos than I did! Thanks for showing me what I missed. I know you must be very proud of your son — way to go, mom!!

    • Haha—He is doing it all on his own, trust me. I could not even imagine doing what he is doing. We plan to go back in the spring for more fun–hopefully a more planned trip with tickets to things!!! But the first trip was soooo much fun!

  4. Beautiful pictures! Thanks again for your wonderful work in November!

  5. I’m enjoying your blog so much. Thank you for sharing pieces of yourself and your life 😉

  6. Loved the views from the Empire State Building because this is something I could never do for myself due to severe vertigo. Thanks for sharing your views of New York with me!

  7. Alright, but the Yankees s**

  8. Fun pics! Makes me want to go again, I haven’t been in years…:(

  9. Good for you for posting everyday! I am so impressed. I also loved NYC when I visited a number of years ago. I loved seeing the Statue of Liberty and thought about how it was the first thing my ancestors saw as they arrived to America by ship 100 years ago. Very moving. Your pictures are wonderful.

  10. That’s a lot of city and some pretty sweet photos. So question: Are those homeless people sleeping on the steps or just people waiting, like you?

    My boy departed NYC this evening. I’ll be curious to hear his stories, to see if he enjoyed his stay as much as you. His comments thus far were “a lot of people in Penn station,” “took forever to get anywhere” (on Thanksgiving) and “cost too much to go in the observation tower (of whatever building, so he didn’t go)…

  11. I’ve yet to make it to NY City. Hopefully one day I will need to meet with a publisher! But since I only managed a few thousand words for NaNo, it’ll be awhile yet. Oh we,
    Ll, better than no words. :/

  12. Congrats on completing NaBloPoMo! Glad you enjoyed NYC. I’m there all the time and really need to do some touristy things instead of taking my everyday access for granted.

  13. This brings back so many memories. Loved the class trip we took when I was in high school. I have only been back briefly once since then, and I would love to go with the hubby now. I remember the first time I saw Lady Liberty — what a feeling staring up at her – and I am not even American! I remember too that the Empire State Building felt like it was swaying a bit – that wasn’t as much fun! ha.

  14. Enjoyed your pictures! I have never been to NYC but CH has! And you get to go again soon!!!

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