And Then the Post Thanksgiving Malaise Begins

Maybe you don’t get it but I do.

 The post Thanksgiving malaise.

That feeling that all the fun is about to end.

 Back to reality.

 I feel out of sorts.

At loose ends.

Silly, I know, but it happens almost every year.  No matter how wonderful the holiday has been –and this year was tops—it just signals to me that another Thanksgiving is in the bank and we are on to the hustle and bustle of the upcoming Christmas season.

I love for Thanksgiving to linger.  It is perhaps my favorite holiday because I have such wonderful memories of it growing up and then once we had our own family it continued.  Many years we tried to visit both sides of the family which proved pretty challenging at times but we managed.  These days we have made it about our little family of four and while I miss the large gathering of extended family I crave the time with my boys and love having them to myself for at least a couple of days.

This year was no different.   With one in grad school and one working in “corporate America” we have to carve out time for one another.  We did and I loved it.


This was my favorite spot most of the week—the chaise in the sun or often with a blanket tucked around me as the temperatures dropped.


Sunrises were enjoyed.


Beach walks were enjoyed down off the boardwalk.


Early morning walks with few humans but lots of wildlife.


One of my favorite morning friends.


The remains of a jellyfish made the perfect foreground on this picture of the sunrise.


Water enthusiasts were everywhere.


These guys were made of hardier stock than I—the temperature of the water was a bit chilly.


Love how the sun streams through the clouds.


The pelicans soared by our balcony and I talked to them and hoped one would come on in and join me.


But I had to be content with just watching them fly by—close enough to touch.


In perfect form—floating on the currents in search of their next meal.


The pier beckoned to many.


These little guys were looking for goodies in the seaweed.


Sun’s golden rays—reaching out and warming all in the path—beckoning to all.

 I will come back to these pictures as the malaise settles over me and remember….


  1. So happy for you that your Thanksgiving was “tops.” So was ours. What wonderful beach photos!

  2. I think it’s pretty normal to feel that post holiday let down. But, as you say, on to the next holiday.

    What a beautiful location for your family Thanksgiving. I think you were meant to live on the ocean. I’ve seen it only once in my life, so long ago that I barely remember. I settle for viewing others’ photos, including those of the newlyweds from their Hawaiian honeymoon.

    I’m happy you are having this time with your boys, days to be treasured for sure. Only three weeks, or is it four, until my boy flies home.

    • I know it is normal and natural but after perfect times I wish I could just be a bit happier . 🙂 The time with family is always too short but knowing that we have a lot more time together at Christmas makes it better. I do miss my mom and siblings but those trips will come later when the weather clears most likely.
      It is funny how often I am drawn to the water even though I am not a swimmer or lover of being in it. There is just something so soothing to me about the sound of the ocean and the sunrises and the creatures that inhabit the surroundings. It is my haven, I must admit.
      Hope your day after Thanksgiving is a wonderful day, Audrey!

  3. I don’t want Thanksgiving to be over either. It is my favorite holiday and while I enjoy our family Christmas that we have on the Sunday before Christmas it isn’t as good as Thanksgiving. Too much hoopla.. 😀 I don’t get the sads until after Christmas and then in January we head for Venice, Florida to enjoy the view you have now and that makes me happy.. 🙂 That beautiful Florida sun and sounds and smells of the ocean! Glad you had a wonderful time with your boys and a great Thanksgiving! Now on to pumpkin pie for breakfast!

    • You sound just like me. The sads set in, don’t they??? But at least we have happies!!!! Some people don’t’ even have those!!! I just have to focus on the present and throw myself into what I need to do once I get home! Baking cookies will make me happy, I bet, even though I scale back what I do for Christmas every year.

  4. I am dubious about working up sympathy for you all!!!!!!! Reality here…..18F, sunny, blue sky, breezy, Black Friday. Hmmmmmmmm…, step out on to your patio! LOL! Hugs…………

  5. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving with your boys. I enjoyed having my other daughter and husband that spent the day with me.

  6. What a gorgeous place to spend the holiday. I love the beach more than almost anything! So glad to hear you’re enjoying time with your boys! We had a wonderful day, but the most awful Thanksgiving dinner in our lives. Lesson–don’t go out to eat for Thanksgiving dinner in South America. Duh! What were we thinking? LOL

    Hugs from Ecuador,

    • It has been a great week although the weather has been less than stellar I can handle it as long as I am not in the snow! 🙂 Thanksgiving dinner in another country—-not a good thing, right????

  7. oh, I would so be left with that feeling of longing, having spent a few days like this. What beautiful pictures you captured. May they warm your heart and keep the feeling of thanks giving close.

  8. Isn’t it wonderful when our “boys” come home, Beth Ann? Domer was home, too, and, while his visit was far too short, at least he was here. And my Sheltie SOOOO loves having his kid home! You picked a lovely place for Thanksgiving. The water is another thing we have in common. I, too, am not a swimmer or a boater, but being on the shore, listening to the relaxing sound of seabirds and rolling waves, makes me happier than most any other landscape. I’ve found that puttering around — with Christmas decorations, etc. — makes the blues go away (and I love feeling productive!)

    • We have a lot of things in common, Debbie!!! The pull of the water is so big for me—I am not a lover of being in it but oh—the sound and just watching is wonderful. Even if it is chilly! It’s all good. When I get home the puttering and baking will begin and I will be fine. And the music will be blaring so that will put me in the mood, too!

  9. Ah, beautiful. Those views are a lot to be thankful for on their own! happy you got time with your family. I think this is why our earlier Thanksgiving is so good — we have a break before all the excitement that will be Christmas. I feel energized by the time the new holiday season is ready to begin – instead of tired from rushing from one holiday to the next.

    Then again, I got snow. no beach walks. so you know — it all balances out. 🙂

    • I think the earlier Thanksgiving that you all celebrate is a plus—-a little bit more time before the December madness and you actually may feel like you have a bit of time to breathe! It is good either way—I just need to grow up about it and stop being sad. 🙂

  10. Looks like a lovely place to be for thanksgiving 🙂 I agree the big gatherings are hectic and crazy, but for me they still involve my parents and sadly once they are gone, I’m not sure how much of an effort will be made for the siblings to get together. I’m sure in time it’ll just be our little unit as well, but I’ll miss the days when all 32 of us are together. Loved your photo’s Bethann especially the Jellyfish and the pier….make me long for the ocean.

    • Oh I totally understand the love of being with family and the hectic and craziness but as our family gets older the kids all live in different states and no one lives too close anymore so it just makes it difficult. 32 folks together? We have never had that but what a great thing that would be!!!

  11. Sounds like you had an ideal Thanksgiving. Love the pictures.

  12. I know what will cheer you right up…a new crusade or project! The world needs us. I’m certain of it. We can’t deny it.
    The pictures were wonderful. It’s a lot to have end all at one time, of-course, your a bit blue! But the good news is neither of us were punched, trampled, or pepper sprayed on Thanksgiving or Black Friday!

  13. You can definitely do some remembering with these lovely shots. I love the little shore birds. And the big ones, too…

  14. Fabulous photos ~ the sun streaming and the jellyfish were my favs. Happy Thanksgiving ~ let the warmth of your favorite holiday settle in your soul with peace.

  15. Love your pics! Where were you again? South Carolina? In Canada we don’t put as much emphasis on Thanksgiving as we do on Christmas.

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