Driving a Manual to Go Drink Tea While Listening to the Messiah While Petting My Tiny Giraffe

feelingbeachiebutton 200x200It’s Friday blog hop time over at Feeling Beachie!!! Join in the fun by clicking here to go to Hilary’s blog, sign up and join in the fun by including the statements and your answers on your blog.  It is easy and fun and a great way to meet folks.   If you want—just leave your answers in the comments below, too!  Thanks, to Hilary and co-host Pam for this week’s statements!!

The Statements:

  1. Every time I hear ____ I think of _____
  2. Sometimes I feel like I forgot how to ___ because I _____.
  3. So if there was one New Years resolution you could make it would be____ because you know you can keep it
  4.  If I could have any pet it would be a _____and I would ____with it

My Answers:

  1. Every time I hear The Messiah I think of my daddy who always used to love the music and played it all year long at our house. I even went to a Messiah sing a long with him.
  2. Sometimes I feel like I forgot how to drive a manual transmission car because I haven’t had to drive one for so long.
  3. So if there was one New Years resolution you could make it would be to drink tea every day because you know you can keep it.
  4.  If I could have any pet it would be a tiny giraffe  and I would entertain all my friends with it.

    Image fromhttp://www.ripleys.com/weird/daily-dose-of-weird-wtf-blog/crazy-animals/amazing-miniature-lap-giraffes/

    Image fromhttp://www.ripleys.com/weird/daily-dose-of-weird-wtf-blog/crazy-animals/amazing-miniature-lap-giraffes/


  1. A tiny giraffe….. now that would be fun!! Happy Friday!

  2. You surprised me with number 4. The Messiah has always been a favorite in our house. I have been hearing it a lot on TV this year,

  3. Your answer to number 4 is hilarious. Where did this come from? There must be a story you’re not sharing.

    Growing up, I always wanted a pet monkey.

  4. I tried learning how to drive a manual not that long ago – let’s just say between my hubby’s powerful car and his almost heart-attack when teaching me – it didn’t go so well!!! I’ll stick to automatic until I can find a calmer teacher, thank you very much!!! 🙂 LOve that tiny giraffe that would be an awesome pet!

    • Chris was very patient teaching me and it was one of those cases that I had to learn if I was going to go anywhere for 2 weeks while he was gone for reserve duty. I drove off and on for years and then had Micah’s car which was a manual for an entire year driving it daily. I am sure it would come back to me but it has been awhile. There might be some stalling!

  5. I never learned to drive a manual car and when my son bought his first car it was a manual so I couldn’t borrow it.

  6. A tiny giraffe would be awesome! Once you drive a stick it always comes back.. 😀 I learned to drive on a stick, a VW Bug!

  7. How cute – a tiny giraffe. Hah – only manual transmission cars in our household 😉

  8. My hubby has been saying I should learn to drive a manual too. He was a driving instructor once so he actually would be a great teacher. Except…..who will watch the kids, because I am pretty sure they should Not be in the car while I learn!
    Baby giraffe is welcome though because that is just the cutest ever!

  9. that little giraffe is the cutest…
    I knew how to drive a stick for about a minute!


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