Wordless Wednesday



  1. That is a weird and crazy find!

  2. Halloween decoration!?

  3. I always thought that habaneros could possibly kill you! This is interesting. Ha.

  4. I think I’ll pass!

  5. That’s cool and kind of creepy!

  6. And I got to visit this place, thanks to you, dear Beth Ann. I really need to sort through my vacation photos and get some of these creepy pix posted.

  7. Not too creepy not at all…lol

  8. I would guess that maybe after eating that hot pepper an eye catheter might come in handy.. I know they make my eyes water. lol

  9. You don’t have to go far for Wordless Wednesday inspiration. Creepy, but wordless works.

  10. Weird and crazy photo. Wonder who came up with this idea??

  11. oooooohhhh, creepy! awesome. someone getting ready for halloween I guess?

  12. You should have saved that one for Halloween!

  13. I’m speechless, or should I say wordless? This is something you don’t see everyday!

  14. I’ll sleep with the doors and windows locked under my covers. Thank you very much. Very creepy. But still interesting in a creepy sort of way.

  15. I would fall flat on my butt if i came around a corner & saw that!

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